Test your implementation

You can leverage Evervault's Sandbox apps to test the full process of receiving and handling card updates without affecting live data. Once you're ready to transition to Live Mode for processing real card updates, please contact our support team at support@evervault.com.

To test your implementation, in Sandbox, you can use the Simulate API to simulate an update event in accordance with the following typical update events:

  • The account associated with a card has been closed
  • A new card expiry has been issued
  • A new card number and expiry have been issued.

When simulating new expiry or new card number updates, you can either specify the values you want the card to be updated to, or omit them to have new values auto-generated.

Example Requests

Simulating an Account Closure

To simulate an account closure, use the following request:

Simulating a New Expiry Date

You can either auto-generate a new expiry date or specify the date manually:

Simulating a New Account Number

You can either auto-generate a new account number and expiry, specify the number, or specify both the number and expiry:

Step by Step Guide

  1. Create a Sandbox: Start by creating a Sandbox to access the necessary testing tools.
  2. Set Up Webhooks: In your app settings, create a webhook and subscribe to the payments.card.updated event.
  3. Create a Card: Use the Cards API to create a card in your sandbox environment.
  4. Simulate an Update: Use your client of choice to issue a request to the Simulate API and observe the update event arriving at your specified webhook.